

11/24/05 - Thanksgiving. Got up at 10 past 10 and dashed for the early Washington post. It's madness... Complete unadulterated madness. While sifting through all those sale magazines - it hits you - All of them scream - beg for attention. You look for a really unreal deal. The only catch is- get up early tommorow as early as 4AM- make a beeline for the nearest store. There'll be a hundred other like minded souls fighting the cold to make a dash or a grab for what they've been fantasizing about past 12 hours. Little bit of pushing and shoving is all fair.

Just the thought of having to wake up "that" early sends shivers up my spine. I look for some kind of motivation - and sure enough I find one although less attractive (for sale prices are never as good as the ones demanding an early morning dash to the store)- there are some stores that have a saturday sale lasting whole day. Hmmmm.... that's much better. This is the second time I wonder, if the store owners must be gingerly chuckling to see all these "customers" throwing their hard earned money and suffering so much to buy cheap stuff that is soon to give way to their newer product line. For them it's that time of the year when, they need to get rid of old inventory.

Maybe I am a late riser, maybe I don't like acquiring stuff (Yeah, Right!) or maybe I am intimidated by all the hooplaa and pushing and shoving. But all said and done - I will be one of those suckers you'll find shopping around for cheap stuff on Saturday. Happy Thanksgiving!

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