
Okay! we rushed sunday to the grocery store. We had completely forgotton October 31st was "Halloween". Rush was certainly uneccassary, after all that broohaahaa media created about kids investing hours into looking freaky, we were in a panic mode come sunday. I have to say the candies are sitting home right now - waiting to be distributed.

Just 1 bunch of kids came on the 31st. Half of whom were grownups. What's up Elkridge? As an outsider, i find this a bit strange: Our apartment neighborhood has lots of kids. Driving on local streets in our block is a very intense experience with all the kids playing, but that certainly did not get reflected around halloween.

Now for the quintessential query: what do we do with all those "Mars bars"? Early stages of midlife crisis, candies not good, keep them out of sight for next halloween : )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I too have noticed a marked drop in Halloween attendance. The omly people I saw in Costume were those adults on their way to costume parties. Although (for the amusing part) I saw a Mom with little one in tow, Mom in a Winnie the Poo and baby in a Piglet costume. It was quite amusing as the mother was having a better go ot than then the wee one. PS. Your Trick or Treater count was far greater than mine My lovely wife and I had Zero and a whole lot of candy of now gone.