
Melody Road

Check out this link: Melody Road

Why don't we spend our time like this. There has to be infinite possibilities for this in US, with all that millions of miles of endless asphalt.


Cell, Smart ,Flip & I-phones

iphone_home.gif” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

In short, toys for big boys. The fascination is addictive and this fact goes undisputed among boys, men and guys.
Apple launches an Iphone and the world goes mad trying to create it's nemesis. What do guys like us do? Get caught in the hoopla and plunk $$$ down, exactly what the Exec's want.
Yours truly, has been wasting hours on weekends working myself into a frenzy planning, reading, fantasizing of owning either an iphone, killer or an i-touch. All this frenzy appears to be a good thing, since things that go up have to slide down and so it is with my fascination which seems to have crossed that hump about half hour back :). A glass of wine may have had something to do with it.
As of now, I intend to stay put with paraphernalia I own, until one of these accidentally breaks down ;).

Blogged with Flock


Happiness and Efficiency

Dilbert Blog:
"I came across two unrelated studies that I cleverly related. In one study, researchers found that happiness makes people successful."  ... "In another study, researchers found that sad workers are the most productive."

While reading that Dilbert blog, It struck me that Statement No.2 has IMHO a certain ring of truth. Now Statement No.1 would probably mean that successful people produce little and make boatloads of money.
Everyone including I want to label ourselves 'successful'. Bottom line stop working hard and have a ball at work. (This blog is not for my Project Manager's eyes).
Assuming this theory purported by Scott Adams works, I'll start making my project team members sad, which in turn will provide me with blissful happiness leading to a successful career. To all those, who want to join in except for my co workers, I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Blogged with Flock



When life troubles you
When decisions confuse you
When you want to take a leap of faith and toss everything to the wind
What do you do?

Take heart and sip on a glass of Merlot :)

I write this with a sense of in-consequentiality, watching an empty glass, but a heart full of contentment.

I know it's temporary. Hey, if I can feel like an enlightened one for a couple of hours, without leaving the comfy living room chair - SO BE IT!

Now before you splash that wine around, check your calendar to ensure it's "TGIF". Adieus !


Long Lost Summer is Here :)

It was a close match and it has taken too long, to the bitter end of May.
Long lost Summer is here - woo hooooo!

I can't wait to get out & watch all those smiling faces and short skirt lines, bare backs (last couple of adjectives were meant for the females, it's better to be lucid in this day & age to avoid any wrong ideas :)).

Now weekends will go by pretending to think about gardening, drink tons of fluids, go on long adventurous drives, get back in shape. Sounds inspiring and makes you feel good.

Those para's above are stinking old now, Great procrastinator - that I am, Great guilt ridden mongrel - that I am; has caused me to pick up where I had left off a month back.

Weather wise, I am reaching an ambivalent state right now. Heat appears desirable, but as cold winter memory fades it can become unbearable. Will take up effect of weather on yours truly again, when I reach a tipping point and look for venting, quite literally.


Plumbing Work

"Once upon a time there was a drain clog in an unnamed bathroom sink ... " that's how typical homeowner woes go. Well mine is unlike any other you may have ever heard - one which exacerbated the problem because of this monkey mind.

Got up on a Saturday morning with a firm resolve and a distant dream of watching the water smoothly drain out thru' the sink hole. Little did I anticipate the beast - namely PVC drain TRAP (Yes - pun intended).

Wanting to go about this business in a systematic manner, I thought maybe I should glance at a few illustrations of a well used Home Improvement reference. I swear - I tried exactly what it professed and soon enough I was staring at a broken PVC pipe sticking out of the toilet wall, the detached end in my hand.
It took me a while to absorb the shock as my mind was running up scenarios as fast as it could create 'em, some of it like hiring a plumber to do this and $$$ to be plunked literally down this drain hole.After an hour of raving and ranting, while trying to maintain an outward calm - I decided to forget about the reference and study this trap. Made a mental note of parts and off I went to Lowe's Home Improvement Store.

Next step involved tons of thinking in front of plumbing aisle #16. PVC Pipes, my dear friends, come in all shapes and sizes, not unlike us humans. But mind you, all sizes don't fit all - this is obviously obvious, but you appreciate this fact more when your mental state is that of a baboon making high pitched noises. Finally after considerable phone calls back & forth between Aisle #16 & scene of the accident, I hoped that I had the right pieces to solve this puzzle. Met a bored plumbing specialist and tried to get his feedback. Have you ever noticed these "May I Help You" guys, when you ask them for help - their tendency to walk fast increases, so it wasn't easy getting a second opinion chasing a guy down aisle 16 thru 13.

Mentally satisfied and physically drained, I made my way through Saturday rush at check-out where lost fellow human beings with drain assembly paraphernalia were making a beeline to rush home and impress their better halves with their handiwork.

Long story short, rest of it was surprisingly straightforward. Things fit together without a hitch, little mental fuss, tons of encouragement from wifey, a smelly PVC cement and a sawing routine, things were looking up and ready to drain.

I invite those of you reading this to come and appreciate this piece of art under our bathroom sink. It'll mean so much!

Bollywood Movies

My mind has been regurgitating this topic in endless wonder. Every time I watch one, it leaves me with a sense of senselessness. I have reached following conclusions after years of being "The Public" as only a bollywood director would describe it:

  1. Never watch movies as soon as they are released - Wait for Reviews from like minded folks.
  2. Never judge a movie by it's impressive beginning - Wait to comprehend the plot (chances are there's none)
  3. I am yet to see one without a heroine.
  4. Never pause the movie for a break - Wait for opportunities presented by song sequences when our protagonist and his leading lady (who, by divine intervention) suddenly acquire melodious voices and start cooing around shrubs, trees, mountains, valleys, on grass and off late in streets of Switzerland, London, Paris or LA. Bollywood Director's clearly understand people and they carefully plan song sequences based on average bollywood bladder retention rate.
  5. Never assume the movie will be over in 180 minutes, it may stretch - Wait for the sign which says "This is just the beginning" (Imagine reading that after watching it for 3.5 hrs) before getting up for good.
  6. Never be surprised by a sense of De ja vu on watching scenes that remind you of having seen something similar. I assure you, It can't be from your past (if it is - it's time to wake up), so it must be from a hollywood movie. Bollywood Directors call this - "being inspired".
(PS: This one is a working progress or rather a snaopshot in time. I'll keep updating this space based on new discoveries from experiencing Bollywood movies or suggestions from fellow experience rs out there)


Winter: Just when you think ...

"Just when you think you are out, they pull you right back in ..." reminds you of summer which appears to disappear ever so often. I write this, watching icy sleet striking the window next to my cubicle, Its Mid-March, for god's sake ... enough already.
"Winter" has been predictably, unpredictable this year. Temperatures swung from low - lows to high - highs, and that affects people in unpredictable ways especially, someone from the tropics.
"When does it end? "
I remember saying that towards the end of summer last year. Bottomline, I have a low threshold for same old unlike some who flourish no matter what the season.
Hey! But I still love seasons when they begin i.e, its just the continuity that gets me.


Every day Wind Up

Every day around 4:00 or 4:01PM the mind gives up on RAM and with a whirring sound not unlike the ubiquitous windows based PC, its starts to sputter and slowly stops at blankness or in short continuing to work becomes impossible. Hunger strikes and it's time to reboot.

Humans have it made when it comes to rebooting, you can engage in activities ranging from talk, walk to mindless phone calls or blogging. I think Offices should shut up by 4:00PM to allow employees a safe drive; while there exists a bit of hand-eye and mind coordination for another 1/2 hr until 4:30PM. Employers may disagree in the mornings but come around 4:01PM it should be quite easy to make them see daylight while darkness unfolds.

Now that I have partially rebooted owing to this mindless blabber, let me walk around and check on everyone else.



I have realized, albeit a while back that I am an Agnostic bordering on Atheist.

But lately, after listening to a bunch of
Zen-Cast episodes, I have started appreciating the Buddhist point of view. It comes across as an extremely logical way of life.

Since this is a serious topic and demands a great deal of maturity from the writer, I will leave this tough task of teaching to Zen Masters. (check out the Zen podcasts on their website)


AIA Convention, LA

Part II

I wanted to take seminars covering some of the CEC's (Continuing Education Credits) for 2006, so it was more of a necessity that I attend these. In the back of my mind, I was praying for a dark room, with an illuminated stage, seats available 10 rows back, far enough that the speaker wouldn't hear you snore and yet walk away with credits :).

Turns out first one had a different setting - uniformly illuminated room, the orator could easily see you blink, worse they were discussing stuff with the audience -asking questions, people who know me will vouch that I do not like being asked intelligent questions in front of more than 1 people. With a heart full of dread and a mind full of emptiness, I managed to escape the questions. The strategy employed has served me well in the past, namely - Spaces behind Big Guy make good hiding spots.

All of this exhausted me so much that I hit the snack lounge, which fortunately was right outside. After a hearty sandwich & fries, I pulled myself into another one of these seminars, this time it was a dark room with a brightly illuminated stage with lots (>2) of speakers talking about sustainable architecture. I found many like minded audience sitting far away from the stage. This time - Sleep came like a charm.

Read 2 paragraphs above 3 times in sequence and that should sum up the order of events for next couple of days.

1st most exciting thing - was the walk back through some of the downtown neighborhoods. First day walk back was a bit scary what with all the hooplaa I had heard from some of my software engineer friends living large doing software engineering :), south of LA. I know it is premature to assume, but I'll do it anyway - 3 days of walking back convinced me of the Urban Myths that's been generated by this "prosperous South".

2nd Most exciting thing - Google hosted a party to launch Sketch up and free loaders like us were especially attracted to free booze and Chinese food. Past experience has taught me one important rule while indulging in free booze, NEVER EVER mix drinks and stop talking as soon you start feeling good about yourself and so it was, I had a blast. Drinks were especially intoxicating seeing all those neon lights (did I forget to mention that this was hosted at the Museum of Neon Lights). Got into a meaningless conversation with some dude who had no clue what to make of life and using his architect friend's pass to gulp wine and food. The walk back was truly enjoyable, everything felt perfect, even the smelly, damp hotel room wouldn't dampen my spirits.

The flight back including Airport shuttle trip turned out to be uneventful and probably not even worth discussing here.

In retrospect, I ask myself, would I attend the convention again next year - Check back next year same time.


House Hunting - 2

Settlement as the word inaccurately suggests is actually meant to be quite unsettling.

There's the Title Company which does the legwork leading up to the actual process of sitting across the table and exchanging checks for property.

This "well known" title company gave us a competitive quote for title services, but bounced back and gave us a 10,000V shock on the day of settlement by changing their quote. I tried to protest but to no avail, spoke to our Real estate agent, again no results, finally gave up and walked into the settlement room quite glum, quietly cursing and feeling helpless.

The settlement went without a hitch and yes I remember blankly staring at the title officer while she went on explaining details of the deal. After we initialed 20,000 pages ( I can't put a number on the number of pages) and signed another 10,000; checks as in money changed hands, while we got the property papers. Once the show was over everybody felt relaxed and started making jokes (I continued cursing quietly). In such a state of apparent goodwill the title officer mentioned in passing that she has this medical condition where her mind just goes blank and she doesn't remember anything. My eyes popped, my mind however continued to curse with renewed vigor.

Apart for the minor heart burn listed above, the seller and mortgage agent turned out to be true gems.
For rest of the people involved in this deal, I say - in the future - Thanks but no thanks!

To all those going through this, I say this - no matter how prepared you are, get plenty of practice in getting shocked, you can either do this by connecting yourself to an electrical socket or deal with a Title company. I recommend the first option.