
AIA Convention, Los Angeles


2006 AIA Convention offered a great opportunity for fresh AIA members. How can the freeloader in me turn down an offer worth 600 bucks? So We packed our bags and set off for L.A.
Venue - L.A. Convention Center

Arrival was pretty smooth with a few exceptions -
- 6 Hours on Painful Boeing Seats
- Smart Ass Airport Shuttle driver
- Smelly hotel room

The Convention was a 2 mile walk through downtown L.A. A sumptuous breakfast (fortunate - since for some odd reason the rooms had an ODD ODOR) for a start.

Since I started writing this blog last year, what follows is an incomplete babble based on bits and pieces of info hanging around in the back of my mind -

First I was taken aback
, looking at so many architects together at 1 place and then I took a step forward. For a 3rd world country-ite like me, the scale was intimidating.

Registration was smooth, except I couldn't figure out how to get it done. I have to admit that the sight of so many well qualified ehm! architects left me in a state of confusion so I let the receptionist spoon-feed me on the details.

I (me and wife, forgot to mention she was with me, from this point onward please read I as 'We' ) meandered off to the first hall we saw. It turned out to be manufacturer's booths as far as the eye could see which was 15 feet in front of you. I decided to organize myself on how to cover all these booths systematically. While thinking, I noticed this booth distributing free goodies, that was it organization and information went out the main door and there I was pretending to be real interested in the product and casually picking up a pen here and a T-shirt there and oh man! the booth next door is giving away coffee mugs .... and so it went on until I overheard someone mention seminar.

it's 5:00PM, almost time to leave :) . I'll save the babble on "seminar" for Part II.


House Hunting - 1

Finally, the Blog slumber comes to an end, I/We were looking for homes. It's so much fun. It's the looking - I enjoy. Past couple of weeks it's been an obsession. But I see a settlement date at the end of this tunnel.

Lets define some key protagonists in this act of finding a home in order of importance:
  1. Real Estate Agents
  2. Mortgage Agents
  3. Seller
  4. Buyer
1 - In theory, first 1 is nothing but a matchmaker - they claim to bring years of experience and sound the sincerest in looking out for you, but buyer beware - commission is what makes this homo sapien breed tick. For that matter, commission is what makes any other agent tick.

2 - is the most confusing one: You have to hear these guys speak. Typically, one erudite discourse is enough to boggle your mind and leaves you with a terrible sense of helplessness. The situation is further complicated by the fact that there are a host of different types of mortgages.

3&4 - Logically, these are the guys who should matter; but having met and experienced 1,2 firsthand, these have been reduced to mere spectators.

All of the above is based on experiences leading up t0 "Now". I'll try to blog inferences after the settlement.


Sky While driving

Picture0023-1, originally uploaded by substance 306.

An interesting churning effect in the sky.


Picture0013-1, originally uploaded by substance 306.

This new canopy at work seems to hold on quite effectively - thanks to the sun melting the snow oof quickly.



Window-Small, originally uploaded by substance 306.

Our house is smitten - by the photography bug. I blame Apple's Ipod. I reach this conclusion based on following logic - (if you have time to read this you probably have nothing better to do). Digital Photography - Podcast - Listening - Hooked. There that wasn't too bad. After taking all these pictures, what else but post them on FlickR in that dismal hope that maybe some of you out there might see them.

Low self esteem - got to go see my shrink in 1/2 hr. Adieus


At Atlantic City

Something or someone or presence of food, caused this huge excitement for these birds. Possibly hosting a new years eve party, just like we were there to make 2005 pass with a bang. Although we were looking for a quick buck to be made at one of the Casinos but .... after 70 bucks down the drain I decided it was time to indulge taking pictures. I had to forget those stupid stupid slot machines. Posted by Picasa



12-30-05: was more eventful as in "lose money at a casino". Atlantic City was the destination and quick bucks was the purpose. Along with prospective gamblers including a 14 year old (cousin who makes for his age by a strong enthusiasm for things forbidden), and a vague sense of directions we found our way through to the City. Once there, mind was befuddled as to to start working the slot machines first or eat. We decided to eat 'fore all cash is lost. and Boy ! were we right. For some uncomprehensible reason, I was upset driving back wondering what if I had tried at another slot machine....
12-31-05 to 01-01-06: An uneventful transition.
01-31-06: I have been sleeping on this New Year's post for a month now. It's time I publish before it starts to stink.