
Plumbing Work

"Once upon a time there was a drain clog in an unnamed bathroom sink ... " that's how typical homeowner woes go. Well mine is unlike any other you may have ever heard - one which exacerbated the problem because of this monkey mind.

Got up on a Saturday morning with a firm resolve and a distant dream of watching the water smoothly drain out thru' the sink hole. Little did I anticipate the beast - namely PVC drain TRAP (Yes - pun intended).

Wanting to go about this business in a systematic manner, I thought maybe I should glance at a few illustrations of a well used Home Improvement reference. I swear - I tried exactly what it professed and soon enough I was staring at a broken PVC pipe sticking out of the toilet wall, the detached end in my hand.
It took me a while to absorb the shock as my mind was running up scenarios as fast as it could create 'em, some of it like hiring a plumber to do this and $$$ to be plunked literally down this drain hole.After an hour of raving and ranting, while trying to maintain an outward calm - I decided to forget about the reference and study this trap. Made a mental note of parts and off I went to Lowe's Home Improvement Store.

Next step involved tons of thinking in front of plumbing aisle #16. PVC Pipes, my dear friends, come in all shapes and sizes, not unlike us humans. But mind you, all sizes don't fit all - this is obviously obvious, but you appreciate this fact more when your mental state is that of a baboon making high pitched noises. Finally after considerable phone calls back & forth between Aisle #16 & scene of the accident, I hoped that I had the right pieces to solve this puzzle. Met a bored plumbing specialist and tried to get his feedback. Have you ever noticed these "May I Help You" guys, when you ask them for help - their tendency to walk fast increases, so it wasn't easy getting a second opinion chasing a guy down aisle 16 thru 13.

Mentally satisfied and physically drained, I made my way through Saturday rush at check-out where lost fellow human beings with drain assembly paraphernalia were making a beeline to rush home and impress their better halves with their handiwork.

Long story short, rest of it was surprisingly straightforward. Things fit together without a hitch, little mental fuss, tons of encouragement from wifey, a smelly PVC cement and a sawing routine, things were looking up and ready to drain.

I invite those of you reading this to come and appreciate this piece of art under our bathroom sink. It'll mean so much!

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