
AIA Convention, Los Angeles


2006 AIA Convention offered a great opportunity for fresh AIA members. How can the freeloader in me turn down an offer worth 600 bucks? So We packed our bags and set off for L.A.
Venue - L.A. Convention Center

Arrival was pretty smooth with a few exceptions -
- 6 Hours on Painful Boeing Seats
- Smart Ass Airport Shuttle driver
- Smelly hotel room

The Convention was a 2 mile walk through downtown L.A. A sumptuous breakfast (fortunate - since for some odd reason the rooms had an ODD ODOR) for a start.

Since I started writing this blog last year, what follows is an incomplete babble based on bits and pieces of info hanging around in the back of my mind -

First I was taken aback
, looking at so many architects together at 1 place and then I took a step forward. For a 3rd world country-ite like me, the scale was intimidating.

Registration was smooth, except I couldn't figure out how to get it done. I have to admit that the sight of so many well qualified ehm! architects left me in a state of confusion so I let the receptionist spoon-feed me on the details.

I (me and wife, forgot to mention she was with me, from this point onward please read I as 'We' ) meandered off to the first hall we saw. It turned out to be manufacturer's booths as far as the eye could see which was 15 feet in front of you. I decided to organize myself on how to cover all these booths systematically. While thinking, I noticed this booth distributing free goodies, that was it organization and information went out the main door and there I was pretending to be real interested in the product and casually picking up a pen here and a T-shirt there and oh man! the booth next door is giving away coffee mugs .... and so it went on until I overheard someone mention seminar.

it's 5:00PM, almost time to leave :) . I'll save the babble on "seminar" for Part II.

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