
DISCLAIMER: The following in no way shape or form denounces homosexuality and does not intend to make fun or deride people with varying sexual preferences.

While watching football players make a messy pile of huge sweaty guys for the nth time, Bindu struck an interesting observation - "the postures and orientation of these bodies looks very gay" when I chimed - what if there was a gay guy playing football among these non suspecting muscle maniacs. He would probably be running around with a perpetual bulge - if you know, what I mean. We had a good laugh on that account.

I don't remember where, but heard a women mention once on a radio show, that the only reason she watches football - if at all is - for all those hunks wearing tight figure hugging sportswear. Please note that both observations were made by opposite sex - now based on this, would it be fair to conclude that gays may reach the same conclusion (assuming that gays think like the opposite sex).

I am scared to draw any conclusions that may result in stereotyping - so will end with a "."


Have you ever seen a government official assigned to inspect private organizations. They have a very serious air about them - as if they are carrying the weight of entire world, in part this is also due to a sense of power. A few minutes back, walked in a lady - just the way she was holding the letterpad - about to start taking notes, glasses barely hanging on her chubby nose was enough to indicate an air of authority. Well! like a true sissy - I tried to make a friendly face, her expression did not change a bit. She wanted to talk to somebody equal, I guess somebody of authority here.

Presently - she was escorted into Boss's office, all I could hear from behind the office walls were booming exchanges in commanding voices. Wow! I thought - Friday's doesn't have to be boring.
By this time - I had a distinct feeling of legality in the air. Must confess, some degree of authority has rubbed off on me. Watch out wifey - today I'll be the boss - compliance will be the norm of the day & non-compliance - will undo my wrath.

Anyway, the lady left after 20 minutes left - seemed to be satisfied having just been all authoritative & all. On her way out, she inspected the surroundings appearing to draw satisfaction by looking around & inspecting her latest conquest. This time on her way out she smiled : )
To all those people who "Smoke", there seems to be a much better social bond among you guys. There is a bunch of people, who always seem to be hobnobbing at work sometimes near the entrance, sometimes near the toilet. Not withstanding - what smoking may cause, surely this kind of bonding creates a better comradarie among people driven by the same urge to test their lungs. The rest of us continue with our drudgery in our cubicles without much of human interaction, looking at this bunch of smokers through the window wondering - MAN they are close.
Should I be talking about - White House or may be about all the flutter in my life? Choices!!!
It will be real easy to dicuss somebody else's problems rather than my own. When it comes to self - there is a switch that's routed through emotional part of some of us, that turns itself on & in the process makes ability to make all logical decisions ineffective.

Maybe Bush & I are not all that different - only difference is he's an ordinary man with average intelligence like me deligated to carry out tasks befitting somebody smarter.

Although talking about myself, ropes in people I deal with & that may be a dangerous thing - after all this the public domain, probably it's safer to talk about what every body else talks about - say politics or sports. But what the heck! I'll include myself - this is about putting things in perspective.


It's real cloudy and dull outside, but my mood today for no apparent reason has been bright & sunny. It's all in the neurons.

Work was a lot interesting, for a change I wasn't checking my wristwatch. Surely, one of those rare days when no matter what everything looks perfect. I have got to figure out - how to make days like this more common. Probably it was the right mix of Sausage Burritto & coffee for breakfast or maybe it was the weather.

Even depressing news about death & destruction around the world were not able to shake this optimistic streak in me.


oh man! i just lost a para of good stuff trying to publish this stupid blog. i'll try to maintain the same flow of thoughts this time round.

"Vicar - please keep your faith in the known & the tangible" - says Dr. Watson in Return of Holmes
makes me wonder if Sir Arthur was an atheist. It probably also means - one should strive to explain the unexplained, instead of shrouding our minds behind a veil of the unknown & the intangible.

I come from a culture - where everything has a supernatural connotation. everyday i struggle to rise beyond this veil of supernatural into a place where reason makes an attempt at explaining stuff foriegn and intangible. I hope continuing to do so...