
SimCity 3000 Unlimited

It was chance, while roaming the aisles, at Staples, on a post christmas evening wondering how to make this $10 coupon worth its while - I noticed Simcity 3000 on sale for $9.99. Brilliant!
After getting it for free, I had little hopes from something so cheap.
Now, 2 days into playing this game - I am completely hooked. Perhaps it's the sense of power and control that it offers. I am off to building my city. Would be great to post to some images of my creation after I bring it to some sought of fruition.

1 comment:

Sornie said...

I can totally relate. Had SIm CIty 3000 for a few years and dusted off SIm City 4 a couple weeks back, it's tougher but still as addictive as crack