
Every day Wind Up

Every day around 4:00 or 4:01PM the mind gives up on RAM and with a whirring sound not unlike the ubiquitous windows based PC, its starts to sputter and slowly stops at blankness or in short continuing to work becomes impossible. Hunger strikes and it's time to reboot.

Humans have it made when it comes to rebooting, you can engage in activities ranging from talk, walk to mindless phone calls or blogging. I think Offices should shut up by 4:00PM to allow employees a safe drive; while there exists a bit of hand-eye and mind coordination for another 1/2 hr until 4:30PM. Employers may disagree in the mornings but come around 4:01PM it should be quite easy to make them see daylight while darkness unfolds.

Now that I have partially rebooted owing to this mindless blabber, let me walk around and check on everyone else.



I have realized, albeit a while back that I am an Agnostic bordering on Atheist.

But lately, after listening to a bunch of
Zen-Cast episodes, I have started appreciating the Buddhist point of view. It comes across as an extremely logical way of life.

Since this is a serious topic and demands a great deal of maturity from the writer, I will leave this tough task of teaching to Zen Masters. (check out the Zen podcasts on their website)