
DISCLAIMER: The following in no way shape or form denounces homosexuality and does not intend to make fun or deride people with varying sexual preferences.

While watching football players make a messy pile of huge sweaty guys for the nth time, Bindu struck an interesting observation - "the postures and orientation of these bodies looks very gay" when I chimed - what if there was a gay guy playing football among these non suspecting muscle maniacs. He would probably be running around with a perpetual bulge - if you know, what I mean. We had a good laugh on that account.

I don't remember where, but heard a women mention once on a radio show, that the only reason she watches football - if at all is - for all those hunks wearing tight figure hugging sportswear. Please note that both observations were made by opposite sex - now based on this, would it be fair to conclude that gays may reach the same conclusion (assuming that gays think like the opposite sex).

I am scared to draw any conclusions that may result in stereotyping - so will end with a "."

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