It was chance, while roaming the aisles, at Staples, on a post christmas evening wondering how to make this $10 coupon worth its while - I noticed Simcity 3000 on sale for $9.99. Brilliant!After getting it for free, I had little hopes from something so cheap.Now, 2 days into playing this game - I am completely hooked. Perhaps it's the sense of power and control that it offers. I am off to building my city. Would be great to post to some images of my creation after I bring it to some sought of fruition.
Stop - Every day I stop at this traffic light. Never have I had a green light on this light. There's some kind of jinx here. Today was worse with all the rain announced earlier as snow.
Empty parking lot at work - felt like a fool for showing up on time. I have got to follow my tropical instincts and stop braving these cold days - Lesson No. 101
This just in: I am losing all sense of humor by trying to be funny. So did some brainstorming between cups of tea today. It's time to clear stear of humor and talk about something I like. Well the seeds of this latest fad were planted - when I started reading this book - "Visual Notes for Architects .... ". - Mesmerizing read - "for me". I thought - why not, start sharing my notes and get into observing, analyzing and developing sketches. so I am going to scan my sketches regularly and hopefully post them regularly alongside comments. As of now I am quite excited about it - will see if it's sustainable.
11/24/05 - Thanksgiving. Got up at 10 past 10 and dashed for the early Washington post. It's madness... Complete unadulterated madness. While sifting through all those sale magazines - it hits you - All of them scream - beg for attention. You look for a really unreal deal. The only catch is- get up early tommorow as early as 4AM- make a beeline for the nearest store. There'll be a hundred other like minded souls fighting the cold to make a dash or a grab for what they've been fantasizing about past 12 hours. Little bit of pushing and shoving is all fair.Just the thought of having to wake up "that" early sends shivers up my spine. I look for some kind of motivation - and sure enough I find one although less attractive (for sale prices are never as good as the ones demanding an early morning dash to the store)- there are some stores that have a saturday sale lasting whole day. Hmmmm.... that's much better. This is the second time I wonder, if the store owners must be gingerly chuckling to see all these "customers" throwing their hard earned money and suffering so much to buy cheap stuff that is soon to give way to their newer product line. For them it's that time of the year when, they need to get rid of old inventory.Maybe I am a late riser, maybe I don't like acquiring stuff (Yeah, Right!) or maybe I am intimidated by all the hooplaa and pushing and shoving. But all said and done - I will be one of those suckers you'll find shopping around for cheap stuff on Saturday. Happy Thanksgiving!
Winter's here and so is thanksgiving. I am sure, Turkey's across the North American subcontinent are not celebrating. Wonder if they are accustomed to anticipate this time of the year. Must feel like an ethnic cleansing for them - unless they are so thick that they do not comprehend the concept of time.
Speaking of turkey, I wish to eat something other than a bird this time (what with Avian flu scare and all)? Fortunately, some good folks at the white house and elsewhere pardon couple of turkeys every year. From what I've heard the selection process for these fortunate birds is a democratic one. Unlike the presidential election - it's their life we are talking about here. each Turkey present it's case infront of a panel of salivating humans, who around thanksgiving appear non-chalant to the innocent turkish 'gobble -gobble-gobble'. Not surprising that the lean Turkey's get pardoned.
I for one, am all against the death penalty, be it human or turkey. All this talking about turkish plight has made me quite hungry. It's thanksgiving and only food around is the tryptophan laden turkey.
PS: The above paragraphs have nothing to do with Turks or Turkey. You know that country bordering Italy.
"Why do we have to name names ...."-Elaine in SeinfeldWhen it comes to remembering names, "Amnesia"- I remember. Often during conversations, I have realized, I completely ignore or pay attention to names, but can remember faces rather easily.So it did not come as a surprise when I found myself fumbling while making these meeting minutes. Starting to fill in the attendee list should be fairly easy, right! But what do you say, if one of the attendees has a handwriting so twisted that it's like a Halloween night movie and worse yet, you can hardly recall his name. I tried applying Sherlock Holmes legendry methods trying to conjure hints into revealing the identity of this unknown participant - but to no consequence. I do remember one thing about the guy though- he told me his name twice.After consultation with some of our more able colleagues, one of the ideas was to scan the attendees list & attach it to the minutes for distribution. The brilliance lies in the fact that whoever is going through these minutes would be responsible in deciphering the identity directly from the list. So until the next meeting, this guy will continue to be unknown or known as "that tall guy ....."Meanwhile, I might have to resort to an innovative method at remembering names & faces. that's where my new cellphone comes in. Please do not think for a second that this entire story was made up to justify buying a new cellphone & my wife definitely doesn't need to know this. Well! Nokia 6230 and several such - have been the subject of my fantasies for quite awhile now. Curse you - you insensitive ebayer who has this strange policy of shipping on mondays - for having kept me apart from my name remembering machine in short - "Amnesia buster".
"Have you ever noticed....?" is how Seinfeld starts off! well! Humor lies there - where? right there in "noticing" or "observing" characters, situations, moments & well you'll have to ask Seinfeld for the rest of it.Although humor is tough, there isn't anything humans can't develop with a bit of practice and perseverence (did I spell that right, Ignore it will you). Another probable way of capturing that ever eluding humor is - what? I don't know maybe be in a mood like " I am enjoying this moment" and Vola! you'll see all things pretty & all things funny.I know, it's very easy to preach sitting in front of a computer screen. Well my dear friend - The best way to learn is to teach, preach and share - that should be a good motto to live by :)"Have you ever noticed..." when u explain stuff to somebody, you sometimes suddenly realize subconciously that you are listening to yourself and learning.Okay enough! you must have something better to do other than reading some meaningless blog. Get out and use your time more productively.
Okay! we rushed sunday to the grocery store. We had completely forgotton October 31st was "Halloween". Rush was certainly uneccassary, after all that broohaahaa media created about kids investing hours into looking freaky, we were in a panic mode come sunday. I have to say the candies are sitting home right now - waiting to be distributed.Just 1 bunch of kids came on the 31st. Half of whom were grownups. What's up Elkridge? As an outsider, i find this a bit strange: Our apartment neighborhood has lots of kids. Driving on local streets in our block is a very intense experience with all the kids playing, but that certainly did not get reflected around halloween.
Now for the quintessential query: what do we do with all those "Mars bars"? Early stages of midlife crisis, candies not good, keep them out of sight for next halloween : )
DISCLAIMER: The following in no way shape or form denounces homosexuality and does not intend to make fun or deride people with varying sexual preferences.
While watching football players make a messy pile of huge sweaty guys for the nth time, Bindu struck an interesting observation - "the postures and orientation of these bodies looks very gay" when I chimed - what if there was a gay guy playing football among these non suspecting muscle maniacs. He would probably be running around with a perpetual bulge - if you know, what I mean. We had a good laugh on that account.
I don't remember where, but heard a women mention once on a radio show, that the only reason she watches football - if at all is - for all those hunks wearing tight figure hugging sportswear. Please note that both observations were made by opposite sex - now based on this, would it be fair to conclude that gays may reach the same conclusion (assuming that gays think like the opposite sex).
I am scared to draw any conclusions that may result in stereotyping - so will end with a "."
Have you ever seen a government official assigned to inspect private organizations. They have a very serious air about them - as if they are carrying the weight of entire world, in part this is also due to a sense of power. A few minutes back, walked in a lady - just the way she was holding the letterpad - about to start taking notes, glasses barely hanging on her chubby nose was enough to indicate an air of authority. Well! like a true sissy - I tried to make a friendly face, her expression did not change a bit. She wanted to talk to somebody equal, I guess somebody of authority here.Presently - she was escorted into Boss's office, all I could hear from behind the office walls were booming exchanges in commanding voices. Wow! I thought - Friday's doesn't have to be boring. By this time - I had a distinct feeling of legality in the air. Must confess, some degree of authority has rubbed off on me. Watch out wifey - today I'll be the boss - compliance will be the norm of the day & non-compliance - will undo my wrath.
Anyway, the lady left after 20 minutes left - seemed to be satisfied having just been all authoritative & all. On her way out, she inspected the surroundings appearing to draw satisfaction by looking around & inspecting her latest conquest. This time on her way out she smiled : )
To all those people who "Smoke", there seems to be a much better social bond among you guys. There is a bunch of people, who always seem to be hobnobbing at work sometimes near the entrance, sometimes near the toilet. Not withstanding - what smoking may cause, surely this kind of bonding creates a better comradarie among people driven by the same urge to test their lungs. The rest of us continue with our drudgery in our cubicles without much of human interaction, looking at this bunch of smokers through the window wondering - MAN they are close.
Should I be talking about - White House or may be about all the flutter in my life? Choices!!! It will be real easy to dicuss somebody else's problems rather than my own. When it comes to self - there is a switch that's routed through emotional part of some of us, that turns itself on & in the process makes ability to make all logical decisions ineffective. Maybe Bush & I are not all that different - only difference is he's an ordinary man with average intelligence like me deligated to carry out tasks befitting somebody smarter.Although talking about myself, ropes in people I deal with & that may be a dangerous thing - after all this the public domain, probably it's safer to talk about what every body else talks about - say politics or sports. But what the heck! I'll include myself - this is about putting things in perspective.
It's real cloudy and dull outside, but my mood today for no apparent reason has been bright & sunny. It's all in the neurons.Work was a lot interesting, for a change I wasn't checking my wristwatch. Surely, one of those rare days when no matter what everything looks perfect. I have got to figure out - how to make days like this more common. Probably it was the right mix of Sausage Burritto & coffee for breakfast or maybe it was the weather.Even depressing news about death & destruction around the world were not able to shake this optimistic streak in me.
oh man! i just lost a para of good stuff trying to publish this stupid blog. i'll try to maintain the same flow of thoughts this time round."Vicar - please keep your faith in the known & the tangible" - says Dr. Watson in Return of Holmesmakes me wonder if Sir Arthur was an atheist. It probably also means - one should strive to explain the unexplained, instead of shrouding our minds behind a veil of the unknown & the intangible.I come from a culture - where everything has a supernatural connotation. everyday i struggle to rise beyond this veil of supernatural into a place where reason makes an attempt at explaining stuff foriegn and intangible. I hope continuing to do so...