
Melody Road

Check out this link: Melody Road

Why don't we spend our time like this. There has to be infinite possibilities for this in US, with all that millions of miles of endless asphalt.


Cell, Smart ,Flip & I-phones

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In short, toys for big boys. The fascination is addictive and this fact goes undisputed among boys, men and guys.
Apple launches an Iphone and the world goes mad trying to create it's nemesis. What do guys like us do? Get caught in the hoopla and plunk $$$ down, exactly what the Exec's want.
Yours truly, has been wasting hours on weekends working myself into a frenzy planning, reading, fantasizing of owning either an iphone, killer or an i-touch. All this frenzy appears to be a good thing, since things that go up have to slide down and so it is with my fascination which seems to have crossed that hump about half hour back :). A glass of wine may have had something to do with it.
As of now, I intend to stay put with paraphernalia I own, until one of these accidentally breaks down ;).

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