
Happiness and Efficiency

Dilbert Blog:
"I came across two unrelated studies that I cleverly related. In one study, researchers found that happiness makes people successful."  ... "In another study, researchers found that sad workers are the most productive."

While reading that Dilbert blog, It struck me that Statement No.2 has IMHO a certain ring of truth. Now Statement No.1 would probably mean that successful people produce little and make boatloads of money.
Everyone including I want to label ourselves 'successful'. Bottom line stop working hard and have a ball at work. (This blog is not for my Project Manager's eyes).
Assuming this theory purported by Scott Adams works, I'll start making my project team members sad, which in turn will provide me with blissful happiness leading to a successful career. To all those, who want to join in except for my co workers, I'll keep you posted on my progress.

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